Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Know Your Colors Before Hiring Painting Contractors in Albuquerque

A house painting project is an exercise in creativity and practicality. When it comes to this task, however, it is never a good idea to leave the color choice up to painting contractors in Albuquerque. You need to be involved in the whole process and check with your contractor every now and then to make sure things turn out the way you envision them.


You may want to build your palette around the dominant color patterns in your area. You can either have your house blend in with the shades of green, brown, or blue around you, or you can make it so your home stands out without being an eyesore.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Colors Recommended by Albuquerque Painting Contractors for a Nursery

Why not take advantage of all this research and use it in your nursery? While your baby may not perceive colors correctly for a while, they will when they get older and as those marketing execs have proven—color does affect us.

Here are some popular colors that a skilled Albuquerque house painter may recommend and how they may affect your baby.